Friday, July 27, 2007

Distractions and Difficulties

I haven't written in over a month, my excuses are pretty good. As are all excuses, of course. Anyway, good for the excusee. First of all, my husband and I bought a 36' 5th Wheeler out in the desert. We go out there two days a week, Thursdays and Fridays and return on Saturday mornings, in time for me to go to work, 8 AM. That may not seem like much, but it sure takes a bite out of my week. But it's just too much fun not to go out there. It is so peaceful! We love the quiet! Okay, that is my distraction from writing.

The difficulty is that my work, the hotline, has employed an corporate Nanny to monitor all our internet usage. They have blocked me from my blogs!! I was shocked and annoyed when I discovered I couldn't go to my blogs from work!

Maybe the real reason I haven't written is because it is diffult to write about my breast cancer, especially since my friend and I talk about it and it brings up just exactly how traumatic it was. She is getting closer to her surgery date, July 31st, I believe. Her surgeon will be Mary Wilde, as I mentioned in an earlier blog. She has a different plastic surgeon, one recommended by Mary Wilde. I can't wait to see how her's turns out.

She had several traumatic days because of a report by one of her MD's who wrote that her kind of breast cancer was the invasive kind and that her tumor was 11 CM. Her other MDs reassured her that that was not the case. Brother!! What was that MD who gave her such a terrible report thinking?

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